DD Form 2715-1 Disposition Board Recommendation

DD Form 2715-1 Disposition Board Recommendation

What Is DD Form 2715-1?

DD Form 2715-1, Disposition Board Recommendation, is used by confinement facility disposition boards to provide clemency and parole recommendations to the Clemency and Parole Boards concerned.

The DD 2175-1 was last revised by the Department of Defense (DoD) on November 1, 2022 . An up-to-date fillable version of the Disposition Board Recommendation Form is available for download below.

This form is a part of a set of reports used by the United States Army correctional system for purposes of clemency, restoration to duty, parole, or other related actions. More information about clemency and parole-related paperwork and links to all applicable forms can be found below.


DD Form 2715-1 Instructions

  1. Boxes 1, 2, and 3 are used for identifying the name and registration number of the prisoner and the correctional facility at which they are being held.
  2. Box 4 provides a list of reasons for board action.
  3. Box 5 lists several options for recommendation: clemency, return to duty, mandatory supervised release, parole, supplemental or special clemency, and space for listing any other reasons.
  4. Boxes 6 and 7 identify the recorder and board chairman, respectively, by giving their typed name, grade, and signature.
  5. Box 8 is for correctional facility commander recommendations, name, and signature.

DD 2715-1 Related Forms:

The form is part of the clemency and parole-related paperwork package used for gathering information related to the prisoner.

Other Revision

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