Convert PDF to PNG

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Convert your PDF documents into PNG files with ease and efficiency

Convert PDF to PNG online using TemplaterRoller’s safe user-friendly software. Select or PDF files from your computer or cloud storage and save the PNG to your device.

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Free PDF to PNG Converter

The Portable Network Graphic format — or PNG for short — is a type of graphic file that utilizes lossless compression algorithms for storing raster images. PNG uses a double-stage method to compress images for ease of use and portability.

These files support the RGB or RGBA color scheme (CMYK images cannot be exported as PNG files). In addition to this, PNG images can be transparent or animated, making them uniquely compatible with websites and web design when used as icons, logos, or general design elements.

A PDF is a completely different printer-optimized file format that contains text, images, or other data. These files perform the same regardless of operating systems, printer brands, or processing software. PDFs can be viewed in any browser (automatically or with a pre-installed browser plug-in) and in a variety of different PDF readers.

So why convert PDF to PNG? As previously stated, PNG files are lossless. This means that the file quality will not be diminished every time the file is opened and saved again. PNG files are easy to open and view: the file will open in your computer’s default image viewer or web browser.

How to Convert PDF to PNG?

TemplateRoller’s free online PDF to PNG converter allows you to save a PDF document as a single PNG image. Wondering how to convert from PDF to PNG? Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Add your PDF file by clicking the “Browse Files” button above or simply drag and drop your file into the converter;
  2. Alternatively, you can upload documents from the cloud (via OneDrive or Dropbox);
  3. Click on “Convert to PNG” and wait for your file to be processed through the system;
  4. Select “Download” to save the completed PNG file to your device.
  5. Need to know how to convert PDF to PNG on Mac? These same instructions will work on both iPhone and Android devices.

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