Split PDF

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Split PDF online with ease: separate PDF document quickly and efficiently

Split PDF files into single pages with TemplateRoller’s free online service. You can separate PDF pages of any document regardless of its length

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Split PDF Pages Online

Adobe’s Portable Document Format (PDF) is an extremely universal and easy-to-use file format for legal documents, books, tickets, and various other content. PDF-viewing software is automatically preinstalled on all devices, making these files significantly more share-friendly than most other formats. In addition to this, PDF files do not require a download to be viewed (and, in some cases, even edited) — the files can be opened directly in any of the currently-existing browsers. Also, if you are using an iPhone or Android device, you may easily split your files with Templateroller’s quick and easy-to-use conversion software.

PDF files preserve the format, size, and content of the files contained within, making extracting specific pages a tricky thing to do. Adobe’s own Acrobat Reader has a built-in “Split Document” function, but it is available only with the paid-for version of the software.

Now you can separate PDF files for free with TemplateRoller’s interactive online tool. Divide your documents into individual one-page files or choose specific pages to extract into an entirely new file. Our PDF splitter preserves the original layout, orientation, and size of the original pages and helps you transform your files into smaller and more manageable documents.

How to Split PDF Pages?

The page-extracting function gives the tools you need to copy pages from existing documents. In addition to this, you can be sure that your data is kept safe and secure. After you’re done with your files, the original PDF document and the extracted pages are permanently deleted from our servers.

Here is how to split a PDF into multiple files online:

  1. Choose the files you want to split from your device or upload PDF documents to separate from a cloud storage service by clicking on the buttons below;
  2. Select the pages you want to leave by clicking on them individually;
  3. Extract the selected set of pages as separate PDF files.

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