Make PDF Searchable

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Make you PDF Searchable online with ease and efficiency

OCR PDF files using TemplateRoller’s free service. Any types of scanned documents — contacts, invoices, articles can easily be turned into a searchable PDF with our free online tool

Upload documents of up to 25 MB (10 pages) in .pdf, .png, .tif, .tiff, .jpg, and .jpeg formats
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What Is a Searchable PDF?

When saying “searchable” PDF, we’re talking about a PDF file with text that you’re able to select, search, copy, and paste. You may have noticed that when an image/scan is converted to a PDF the contents of that file are not automatically searchable.

How to Make a PDF Searchable?

If you need to search for specific keywords in a scanned multi-page document and use copy (Ctrl+C) to extract the text without retyping the entire document, our free searchable PDF converter can help you. Our tool is based on OCR (Optical Character Recognition), which allows you to recognize text in a scanned document and convert it to a searchable PDF.

This is where TemplateRoller’s free online tool becomes useful. Our service can help you convert your files into a Searchable PDF quickly and efficiently:

  1. It’s painless to use. You don’t have to install anything additional on your device in order to make your PDF files searchable. Simply drag and drop your files into our converter;
  2. Supports your system. Our system is compatible with a variety of devices and web browsers such as Android, Mac OS, iPhone, Windows, and Linux, as well as Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Safari;
  3. Free. Our PDF converter is completely free of charge — no sign-up or registration is required;
  4. Time. Using Templateroller searchable PDF converter is a great opportunity for individuals and businesses to save their precious time and money;
  5. No limits. You can convert both large multi-page books and small images.

How Do I Make a PDF Searchable Using TemplateRoller?

TemplateRoller’s searchable PDF converter lets you change the format of your files directly in your browser — the only thing you need is an internet connection. Text Recognition has never been so easy. All you need is:

  1. It’s painless to use. You don’t have to install anything additional on your device in order to make your PDF files searchable. Simply drag and drop your files into our converter;
  2. Upload your PNG, JPG, or scanned PDF file to our searchable PDF converter;
  3. If you have more than one file you would like to convert you may select additional files to upload;
  4. Click the button available to convert your file(s);
  5. Download your searchable PDF to your computer;
  6. If you selected to convert several files at once, they will be downloaded into a compressed folder.

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