Convert Excel to PDF

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Convert your XLS or XLSX files into PDF documents with ease and efficiency

Convert XLS to PDF with TemplaterRoller’s free Excel to PDF converter. This online tool works with XSL and XLSX files — no registration required.

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Free XLS to PDF Converter

Microsoft Excel files — usually referred to simply as “spreadsheets” — are used for data analysis and calculation, comilping statistics, and general tabular data. Spreadsheets are primarily saved in two formats — XLS and XLSX — and can be viewed in Microsoft Excel, Apple’s OpenOffice, and Google’s Sheets.

Earlier versions of Excel used the XLS format as the main format for all files generated in the application. XLS files can feature formulas, graphing tools, and pivot tables, all made possible with a programming language called Visual Basic for Applications. Newer versions of Microsoft Excel (2007 and later) save files in the newer and more widely-used XLSX format.

So, why convert XLS to PDF? PDF is a versatile and lossless file format developed by Adobe Systems. PDF files usually contain flat images or multi-level images complete with text, fillable fields, and other data. The files are printer-ready and can be shared across any number of devices without losing the fonts, images, or text contained within.

In some cases, PDF is the more appropriate format to go for instead of Excel. PDF files will retain the overall formatting of your spreadsheet and will allow it to be accessed and viewed by people who may not have Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice installed on their device.

A PDF, however, is a static file. It will not retain any of the formulas from the original spreadsheet and the results of all calculations without the XLS file will be saved onto the PDF as is.

How to Convert XLS to PDF?

TemplateRoller’s Excel to PDF converter lets you convert all your files quickly, regardless of the Excel format you’re working with. Not only is it easy and free, but our converting tool can change your Excel spreadsheets with tables and formulas to PDF without losing any of the vital information or formatting.

Here’s how to convert Excel to PDF format online:

  1. Click on the “Browse Files” button to select an XLS or XLSX image that you would like to convert from your device. Alternatively, you can upload an Excel file from your OneDrive or DropBox;
  2. Click on “Convert to PDF” and wait for your file to be processed;
  3. Download and save the finished PDF file to your device.
  4. Need to know how to convert Excel to PDF on Mac? These same instructions will work on both iPhone and Android devices.

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