Merge PDF

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Merge PDF online with ease: combine PDF documents quickly and efficiently

Merge PDF files for free with our online PDF merger. Our free tool allows you to combine PDF online with ease — no signup required.

Upload documents of up to 25 MB in .pdf format
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Merge PDF Files Online

Adobe’s Portable Document Format — or PDF for short — is one the more well-known and common file formats for documents, books, brochures, tickets, and various other paperwork.

PDF files are extremely universal and easy to use: PDF-viewing software is preinstalled on all devices (mobile phones, tablets, and computers) and — unlike other file formats that require a download in order to view their content — PDF documents can be viewed directly in a browser tab. This makes the format a one-size-fits-all option for sharing texts files, photos, and presentations.

But what do you do if there are several documents you need to share or present at the same time, if you need to submit a set of paperwork, or upload several documents into an interface that only allows you to attach a single file? This is where TemplateRoller’s online PDF merger comes in handy.

You can now use our PDF combiner to merge multiple pages into one PDF file, organize them in any way you like, and download a single file without sacrificing image quality or losing fonts and formatting. Our free online tool allows you to do all of this in a single click — no registration required. The PDF merger is compatible with all browsers and operating systems and does not require installing any software to your device.

How to Merge PDF Files?

Looking to easily combine multiple PDF files into a single document? TemplateRoller’s free PDF Merger works on Mac and PC, as well as iPhone and Android. Here’s how to combine PDF files online:

  1. Drag and drop your PDF files directly from your device or manually select the files you want to merge;
  2. Additionally, you can upload PDF documents to merge from a cloud storage service by clicking on the buttons below;
  3. Once the files are uploaded into our tool, you can change the order of the files and download the finished result to your computer or view the merged PDF directly in your browser.

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