Secondary Transmission Templates

Secondary transmission, also known as secondary transmissions or secondary signal transmissions, refers to the relaying or rebroadcasting of distant television signals by satellite carriers or cable systems. These transmissions play a vital role in expanding access to television content across different regions.

Form SC Statement of Account for Secondary Transmissions by Satellite Carriers of Distant Television Signals and Form SA1-2 Statement of Account for Secondary Transmissions by Cable Systems (Short Form) are some of the documents that govern and regulate the reporting and accounting of secondary transmissions.

For satellite carriers, Form SC Statement of Account for Secondary Transmissions by Satellite Carriers of Distant Television Signals provides a comprehensive framework for accurately reporting and accounting for their secondary transmissions. This document ensures transparency and accountability in the distribution of television signals.

Similarly, cable systems have their own reporting requirements outlined in Form SA1-2 Statement of Account for Secondary Transmissions by Cable Systems (Short Form) and Form SA3 Statement of Account for Secondary Transmissions by Cable Systems (Long Form). These documents enable cable systems to document and report their secondary transmissions efficiently.

Ensuring compliance with these reporting standards and accurately documenting secondary transmissions is crucial for both satellite carriers and cable systems. By doing so, they facilitate the fair distribution of television content and maintain a level playing field for all stakeholders involved.

If you are a satellite carrier or cable system operator involved in secondary transmissions, it is essential to familiarize yourself with these documents and their reporting requirements. Adhering to these guidelines not only ensures legal compliance but also promotes transparency and fairness within the industry.

At, we understand the significance of secondary transmissions and the documentation required to effectively manage them. Our team of experts is well-versed in the regulatory framework surrounding secondary transmission documents and can provide you with the guidance and support needed to navigate this complex landscape.

Contact our team today to learn more about how we can assist you in complying with secondary transmission reporting requirements and leveraging the benefits of this important aspect of the broadcasting industry.