Boris Fomin - Those Were the Days (Dorogoi Dlinnoyu) Sheet Music

Boris Fomin - Those Were the Days (Dorogoi Dlinnoyu) Sheet Music

Boris Fomin's "Those Were the Days (Dorogoi Dlinnoyu) Sheet Music" is used for playing and learning how to play the song on a musical instrument, like piano or guitar.


Q: Who is the composer of 'Those Were the Days' (Dorogoi Dlinnoyu)?A: Boris Fomin is the composer of 'Those Were the Days' (Dorogoi Dlinnoyu).

Q: What is the title in English of the song 'Dorogoi Dlinnoyu'?A: The English title of the song 'Dorogoi Dlinnoyu' is 'Those Were the Days'.

Q: Can I find the sheet music for 'Those Were the Days' in music stores?A: Yes, you can find the sheet music for 'Those Were the Days' by Boris Fomin in some music stores.


Download Boris Fomin - Those Were the Days (Dorogoi Dlinnoyu) Sheet Music

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