Form LIC613A Personal Rights - Child Care Centers - California

Form LIC613A Personal Rights - Child Care Centers - California

What Is LIC 613A Form?

Form LIC 613A, Personal Rights - Child Care Centers , is a document signed by a child's parent, guardian, or representative in order to acknowledge that a child's personal rights are observed and respected while the child is receiving services from a child care center. Once the form is signed, the bottom of the document is detached and placed in the child's file, while the representative keeps the upper part of the form.

Alternate Names:

  • Personal Rights Child Care Centers Form;
  • LIC Personal Rights Form.

This form was released by the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) , a component of the California Health and Human Services Agency (CHHS) , on August 1, 2008 . Download a fillable LIC 613A Form through the link below. Form LIC 613A (SP), Derechos Personales - Guarderías Infantiles (a Spanish version of the LIC 613A) can also be found on our website.


Children's Personal Rights in Child Care

The LIC Personal Rights Form specifies the following rights of the child:

  1. Dignity with the personal relationship of the child care center staff and other individuals.
  2. Safety, comfortable and healthy accommodations, proper environment, and equipment.
  3. Freedom from corporal and unusual punishment, pain, mental abuse, and other actions punitive by nature. The form emphasizes freedom from interference with daily functions and grants access to shelter, medication, and clothing.
  4. Right of the child and the child's representative to receive information about the provisions of law regarding complaints. The document states the name, address, and phone number of the licensing agency to contact in this situation.
  5. Freedom to attend religious activities and services and receive visits from a spiritual advisor.
  6. Right not to be locked in any room of the facility or be placed in restraining devices.

LIC 613A Related Forms:

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