Form A (YG5055) List of Clergymen Authorized to Solemnize Marriage - Yukon, Canada (English / French)

Form A (YG5055) List of Clergymen Authorized to Solemnize Marriage - Yukon, Canada (English / French)

Form A (YG5055) List of Clergymen Authorized to Solemnize Marriage is used in Yukon, Canada to provide a list of clergymen who are authorized to perform marriage ceremonies. It is available in both English and French languages.

The form A (YG5055) List of Clergymen Authorized to Solemnize Marriage in Yukon, Canada, is filed by the Office of the Registrar General.


Q: What is Form A (YG5055)?
A: Form A (YG5055) is a list of clergy members authorized to solemnize marriages in Yukon, Canada.

Q: Who can solemnize marriages in Yukon?
A: Only authorized clergymen listed on Form A (YG5055) can solemnize marriages in Yukon.

Q: Can I have a religious wedding ceremony in Yukon?
A: Yes, you can have a religious wedding ceremony in Yukon, but it must be conducted by an authorized clergy member listed on Form A (YG5055).

Q: What language are the names listed in Form A (YG5055) written in?
A: The names on Form A (YG5055) are listed in both English and French.

Q: Is Form A (YG5055) specific to the Yukon region only?
A: Yes, Form A (YG5055) is specific to the Yukon region in Canada.

Q: How can I verify if a clergyman is authorized to solemnize marriages?
A: You can check the list on Form A (YG5055) to verify if a clergyman is authorized to solemnize marriages in Yukon.

Q: Can a clergyman from outside of Yukon solemnize a marriage in the territory?
A: No, only clergymen listed on Form A (YG5055) are authorized to solemnize marriages in Yukon.


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