Advance Resolution Request - Ontario, Canada

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Advance Resolution Request - Ontario, Canada

The Advance Resolution Request in Ontario, Canada is used to request a resolution for a dispute or issue before it escalates to a formal legal process. It is a voluntary, confidential, and informal process designed to help parties find common ground and reach a mutually acceptable solution.

The advance resolution request in Ontario, Canada is typically filed by the party or individual involved in the dispute or conflict.


Q: What is an Advance Resolution Request?
A: An Advance Resolution Request is a process in Ontario, Canada where individuals can request a resolution regarding a future health care treatment decision.

Q: Who can make an Advance Resolution Request?
A: Any capable adult in Ontario, Canada can make an Advance Resolution Request.

Q: What is the purpose of an Advance Resolution Request?
A: The purpose of an Advance Resolution Request is to enable individuals to make their future health care treatment preferences known in advance, in case they are unable to communicate their preferences later.

Q: How does the Advance Resolution Request process work?
A: To make an Advance Resolution Request in Ontario, individuals must complete a specific form called the "Advance Resolution Request Form" and have it witnessed by two individuals.

Q: Can an Advance Resolution Request be changed or revoked?
A: Yes, an Advance Resolution Request can be changed or revoked at any time as long as the individual is capable of doing so.

Q: Does an Advance Resolution Request have legal effect in Ontario?
A: Yes, an Advance Resolution Request has legal effect in Ontario, which means that health care providers must consider the preferences stated in the request when making treatment decisions.


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