Expedited Board Directions Form (Motions / Adjournments) - Ontario, Canada

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Expedited Board Directions Form (Motions / Adjournments) - Ontario, Canada

The Expedited Board Directions Form (Motions/Adjournments) in Ontario, Canada is used to request quick decisions from the board or to request a meeting to be adjourned.

The Expedited Board Directions Form (Motions/Adjournments) in Ontario, Canada can be filed by any party involved in the legal proceedings before a board.


Q: What is an Expedited Board Directions Form?
A: The Expedited Board Directions Form is a document used in Ontario, Canada to request an expedited hearing before a tribunal or board.

Q: What is the purpose of the form?
A: The form is used to request a quick hearing for motions or adjournments before a tribunal or board.

Q: Who can use the form?
A: Anyone who is party to a proceeding before a tribunal or board in Ontario, Canada can use the form.

Q: What type of motions can be requested through this form?
A: Any type of motion can be requested, including adjournments, but it is primarily used for urgent matters.

Q: Are there any fees associated with filing the form?
A: In most cases, there are no fees associated with filing the form, but it is best to check with the specific tribunal or board for any applicable fees.

Q: How long does it take for the expedited hearing to be scheduled?
A: The time it takes to schedule an expedited hearing will depend on the specific tribunal or board, but it is generally done as quickly as possible.

Q: Can I use this form for matters outside of Ontario, Canada?
A: No, the Expedited Board Directions Form is specific to proceedings within Ontario, Canada, and cannot be used for matters outside of the province.


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  • Expedited Board Directions Form (Motions / Adjournments) - Ontario, Canada, Page 2
  • Expedited Board Directions Form (Motions / Adjournments) - Ontario, Canada, Page 3
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