Over Housed Agreement (Addendum to Tenancy Agreement) - Manitoba, Canada

Over Housed Agreement (Addendum to Tenancy Agreement) - Manitoba, Canada

The Over Housed Agreement (Addendum to Tenancy Agreement) in Manitoba, Canada is used to address situations where a tenant is living in a unit that is larger than what they actually need. This agreement provides a framework for landlords and tenants to reach an agreement on how to address the issue, such as downsizing to a more suitable unit or adjusting the rent.


Q: What is an Over Housed Agreement?A: An Over Housed Agreement is an addendum to a Tenancy Agreement in Manitoba, Canada.

Q: What does an Over Housed Agreement do?A: An Over Housed Agreement allows the tenant to occupy a unit with more bedrooms than they are eligible for.

Q: Who is eligible for an Over Housed Agreement?A: Tenants who have special circumstances, such as disabilities or a need for a home care worker, may be eligible for an Over Housed Agreement.

Q: How does an Over Housed Agreement affect rent?A: The rent for an Over Housed Agreement is determined by the Manitoba Housing Rental Office.

Q: How long does an Over Housed Agreement last?A: An Over Housed Agreement is valid for a specific period of time, as stated in the agreement.

Q: Can a tenant be evicted for violating an Over Housed Agreement?A: Yes, a tenant can be evicted if they violate the terms of the Over Housed Agreement.

Q: Can a tenant request an Over Housed Agreement?A: Yes, tenants who require more bedrooms due to special circumstances can request an Over Housed Agreement from the Manitoba Housing Rental Office.


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