Affidavit for Voter Registration Cancellation of Deceased Voter - West Virginia

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Affidavit for Voter Registration Cancellation of Deceased Voter - West Virginia

Affidavit for Voter Registration Cancellation of Deceased Voter is a legal document that was released by the West Virginia Secretary of State - a government authority operating within West Virginia.


Q: What is an Affidavit for Voter Registration Cancellation of Deceased Voter?
A: An Affidavit for Voter Registration Cancellation of Deceased Voter is a form used to cancel the voter registration of someone who has passed away.

Q: Why would I need to use an Affidavit for Voter Registration Cancellation of Deceased Voter?
A: You would need to use this form to remove the voter registration of a deceased individual to ensure accurate voter rolls.

Q: What information is required in the Affidavit for Voter Registration Cancellation of Deceased Voter?
A: The form typically requires information about the deceased individual, such as their name, date of birth, and date of death.

Q: Do I need any additional documents to accompany the Affidavit for Voter Registration Cancellation of Deceased Voter?
A: It is recommended to provide a copy of the death certificate or any other proof of death along with the form.

Q: Who can complete the Affidavit for Voter Registration Cancellation of Deceased Voter?
A: Typically, the immediate family members or legal representative of the deceased individual can complete this form.

Q: Is there a deadline to submit the Affidavit for Voter Registration Cancellation of Deceased Voter?
A: It is best to submit the form as soon as possible after the death of the individual, but there is no specific deadline mentioned in the document.


Form Details:

  • The latest edition currently provided by the West Virginia Secretary of State;
  • Ready to use and print;
  • Easy to customize;
  • Compatible with most PDF-viewing applications;
  • Fill out the form in our online filing application.

Download a printable version of the form by clicking the link below or browse more documents and templates provided by the West Virginia Secretary of State.

Download Affidavit for Voter Registration Cancellation of Deceased Voter - West Virginia

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