Chet Atkins - Angel Eyes Guitar Tab and Sheet Music

Chet Atkins - Angel Eyes Guitar Tab and Sheet Music

Chet Atkins - Angel Eyes Guitar Tab and Sheet Music is used to learn and play the guitar song "Angel Eyes" as performed by Chet Atkins. It consists of guitar tablature (tab) and sheet music notation that provides the necessary instructions and musical notation for playing the song on the guitar. It helps guitar players of different skill levels to learn and replicate the specific guitar parts and melodies of "Angel Eyes."

The Chet Atkins - Angel Eyes guitar tab and sheet music can be filed by various publishers, music companies, or individuals who have obtained the rights to publish and distribute the material. Unfortunately, without specific information, it is difficult to identify the exact entity or person responsible for filing the guitar tab and sheet music for this particular song.


Q: Who is Chet Atkins?A: Chet Atkins was an American guitarist, songwriter, and record producer who is considered one of the greatest guitarists in country music history. He was known for his unique fingerpicking style and his contributions to the Nashville sound.

Q: What is "Angel Eyes"?A: Angel Eyes" is a popular song from the jazz and pop genres. It was composed by Matt Dennis, with lyrics by Earl Brent. The song has been recorded by various artists over the years, including Frank Sinatra and Ella Fitzgerald.

Q: What genre does Chet Atkins' version of "Angel Eyes" belong to?A: Chet Atkins' rendition of "Angel Eyes" leans more towards the country and fingerstyle guitar genres, with his signature fingerpicking technique showcased throughout the song.


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  • Angel Eyes Guitar Tab and Sheet Music by Chet Atkins
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