George Gershwin - but Not for Me (Bb) Sheet Music

George Gershwin - but Not for Me (Bb) Sheet Music

George Gershwin's "But Not for Me" (Bb) Sheet Music is used for playing and performing the musical piece "But Not for Me." It provides the written notation and instructions for musicians to play the song on instruments that are tuned to the key of Bb, such as the trumpet, clarinet, or tenor saxophone. This sheet music helps musicians learn and play the song accurately and in the correct key.

The sheet music for "But Not for Me" by George Gershwin in the key of Bb can be found in various places. It is commonly available for purchase from music stores, both online and offline. Additionally, it may be available from digital music platforms or websites that specialize in sheet music downloads. You can also find arrangements or transcriptions of the song created by different individuals or music publishers.


Q: Is 'But Not for Me' a popular song by George Gershwin?
A: Yes, 'But Not for Me' is a popular song composed by George Gershwin.

Q: What key is 'But Not for Me' typically played in?
A: 'But Not for Me' is typically played in the key of Bb.

Q: Are there any other notable songs composed by George Gershwin?
A: Yes, George Gershwin was a prolific composer and some of his other notable songs include 'Summertime', 'Rhapsody in Blue', and 'I Got Rhythm'.


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