Git Cheat Sheet - Octobot

Git Cheat Sheet - Octobot

The Git Cheat Sheet - Octobot is a resource that provides quick reference and guidance on using Git, a popular version control system. It helps users remember and execute various Git commands and concepts efficiently.


Q: What is Git?A: Git is a version control system that allows you to track changes in your code and collaborate with others.

Q: How do I create a new Git repository?A: To create a new Git repository, use the command 'git init' in the desired directory.

Q: What is a Git branch?A: A Git branch is a separate line of development in a Git repository that allows you to work on different features or changes without affecting the main codebase.

Q: How do I create a new branch in Git?A: To create a new branch in Git, use the command 'git branch <branchname>'.

Q: How do I switch to a different branch in Git?A: To switch to a different branch in Git, use the command 'git checkout <branchname>'.

Q: How do I merge branches in Git?A: To merge branches in Git, use the command 'git merge <branchname>' while on the branch that you want to merge into.

Q: How do I discard changes in Git?A: To discard changes in Git, use the command 'git checkout -- <filename>' to discard changes in a specific file, or 'git checkout .' to discard changes in all files.

Q: How do I undo my last Git commit?A: To undo your last Git commit, use the command 'git reset HEAD~'.

Q: How do I push changes to a remote Git repository?A: To push changes to a remote Git repository, use the command 'git push <remote> <branch>'.

Q: How do I clone a Git repository?A: To clone a Git repository, use the command 'git clone <repositoryurl>'.


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