Assignement to 7-on / 7-off Ltc Alternate Workweek Schedule Pursuant to Loa 23-ll-268 - Alaska

Assignement to 7-on / 7-off Ltc Alternate Workweek Schedule Pursuant to Loa 23-ll-268 - Alaska

Assignement to 7-on/7-off Ltc Alternate Workweek Schedule Pursuant to Loa 23-ll-268 is a legal document that was released by the Alaska Department of Administration - a government authority operating within Alaska.


Q: What is the 7-on/7-off LTC Alternate Workweek Schedule?
A: The 7-on/7-off LTC Alternate Workweek Schedule is a scheduling system where employees work seven consecutive days followed by seven consecutive days off.

Q: What is LOA 23-ll-268?
A: LOA 23-ll-268 refers to the Letter of Agreement between the employer and employees regarding the implementation of the 7-on/7-off LTC Alternate Workweek Schedule.

Q: Who is eligible for the 7-on/7-off LTC Alternate Workweek Schedule?
A: The eligibility for the 7-on/7-off LTC Alternate Workweek Schedule is determined by the terms outlined in LOA 23-ll-268.

Q: What is the purpose of the 7-on/7-off LTC Alternate Workweek Schedule?
A: The purpose of the 7-on/7-off LTC Alternate Workweek Schedule is to provide a predictable and consistent schedule for employees while meeting the needs of the employer.

Q: How does the 7-on/7-off LTC Alternate Workweek Schedule work?
A: Under the 7-on/7-off LTC Alternate Workweek Schedule, employees work for seven consecutive days, typically followed by seven consecutive days off.

Q: Are there any specific requirements for employees on the 7-on/7-off LTC Alternate Workweek Schedule?
A: Specific requirements for employees on the 7-on/7-off LTC Alternate Workweek Schedule are outlined in LOA 23-ll-268 and may vary depending on the employer's policies.


Form Details:

  • Released on May 4, 2023;
  • The latest edition currently provided by the Alaska Department of Administration;
  • Ready to use and print;
  • Easy to customize;
  • Compatible with most PDF-viewing applications;
  • Fill out the form in our online filing application.

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  • Assignement to 7-on / 7-off Ltc Alternate Workweek Schedule Pursuant to Loa 23-ll-268 - Alaska, Page 2
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