Certificate Issued by the Court for the Subpoena Calling a Witness Resident in Another Province or in a Territory of Canada to Attend at Court (Article 497 C.c.p.) - Quebec, Canada

Certificate Issued by the Court for the Subpoena Calling a Witness Resident in Another Province or in a Territory of Canada to Attend at Court (Article 497 C.c.p.) - Quebec, Canada

Certificate issued by the Court for the subpoena calling a witness resident in another province or in a territory of Canada to attend at court is issued to ensure that a witness living in another province or territory of Canada can be compelled to attend court in Quebec, Canada to give their testimony. This certificate allows for the enforcement of the subpoena across provincial and territorial borders within Canada.

In Quebec, Canada, the Certificate issued by the court for the subpoena calling a witness resident in another province or in a territory of Canada to attend at court (Article 497 C.c.p.) is typically filed by the party who requested the subpoena, also known as the issuing party.


Q: What is a Certificate Issued by the Court?
A: It is a document issued by the court.

Q: What is the purpose of the Certificate Issued by the Court?
A: It is used for subpoenaing a witness who lives in another province or in a Canadian territory.

Q: What does Article 497 C.c.p. refer to?
A: It refers to the specific article in the Code of Civil Procedure in Quebec.

Q: What does the Certificate do?
A: It calls a witness to attend court.

Q: Who is the witness in this case?
A: The witness is a resident in another province or in a territory of Canada.


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