Juror Excusal or Postponement Request Form

Juror Excusal or Postponement Request Form

The Juror Excusal or Postponement Request Form is used to request to be excused or have your jury service postponed. If you have a valid reason such as a medical condition or scheduling conflict, this form allows you to provide the necessary information to the court.

The juror excusal or postponement request form is typically filed by the potential juror themselves.


Q: What is a Juror Excusal or Postponement Request Form?
A: The Juror Excusal or Postponement Request Form is a document used to request an excusal or postponement from jury duty.

Q: What reasons can be cited for excusal or postponement from jury duty?
A: Reasons that can be cited for excusal or postponement from jury duty include financial hardship, medical conditions, and other personal or professional conflicts.

Q: What should I do with the completed form?
A: You should submit the completed Juror Excusal or Postponement Request Form to the court according to the instructions provided.

Q: Will my request for excusal or postponement be automatically granted?
A: The court will review your request and decide whether to grant excusal or postponement based on the reasons you provided and their policies.

Q: What should I do if my request is denied?
A: If your request for excusal or postponement is denied, you should follow the instructions provided by the court and fulfill your jury duty obligation.


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