Chain of Custody Record Template - Sierra Environmental Monitoring, Inc

Chain of Custody Record Template - Sierra Environmental Monitoring, Inc

The Chain of Custody Record Template - Sierra Environmental Monitoring, Inc is used to track and document the transfer of samples or evidence from one party to another to ensure the integrity and authenticity of the samples or evidence. It helps maintain a documented chain of custody, which is important for legal and regulatory purposes.


Q: What is a Chain of Custody Record?
A: A Chain of Custody Record is a document used to track the movement and handling of a sample from its collection to its final destination.

Q: Why is a Chain of Custody Record important?
A: A Chain of Custody Record ensures the integrity and reliability of sample analysis by documenting its handling and storage throughout the process.

Q: What information is typically included in a Chain of Custody Record?
A: A Chain of Custody Record includes information such as the sample identification, date and time of collection, collector's name, storage conditions, and any transfers or changes in custody.

Q: Who uses a Chain of Custody Record?
A: Environmental testing laboratories, consulting firms, and regulatory agencies often use Chain of Custody Records to maintain accurate and traceable records of sample handling.


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