DA Form 1380 Record of Individual Performance of Reserve Duty Training

DA Form 1380 Record of Individual Performance of Reserve Duty Training

What Is DA Form 1380?

DA Form 1380, Army Reserve Record of Individual Performance of Reserve Duty Training , is a form required for all dental and medical-readiness period payments. A DA 1380 Form is prepared by the last day of each month to cover non-unit reserve training or equivalent duty performed by reservists assigned to U.S. Army Reserve (USAR) units other than Army extension courses or training performed with the unit of assignment.

The form is prepared by the following personnel:

  1. By the chief of the proponent agency for training projects.
  2. By a designated military representative for attending professional or trade convention meetings.
  3. By a reservist for training attachments with another service branch. In these cases, the form must be signed by the duly authorized official of the unit attachment.
  4. By the commanding officer of the unit of attachment for training in an attached status.
  5. By an official selected by the area commander for all other Reserve training.

DA Form 1380 - often confused with DD Form 1380, Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) Card - was last revised by the U.S. Department of the Army (DA) on May 1, 2019 . An up-to-date fillable version of the form can be downloaded below.


How to Fill Out a DA Form 1380?

Filing the form may differ from case to case. The basic DA Form 1380 instructions are as follows:

  1. Items 1 through 3, 5 through 8, and 10 through 12 are self-explanatory and contain basic information about the dates, names, and payments.
  2. Item 4 is for specifying the address you are sending the form to.
  3. Check the appropriate type of duty performed in Item 9. Enter the details of the training or instruction, the total number of hours, the number of earned retirement credits, and a brief description of duties performed in Columns A through D.
  4. Leave Item 11 blank.
  5. Hand the form over to the custodian or your AMHRR who will then hand all paperwork to the authorized officer for signing.

How to Fill Out DA Form 1380 for SSD1?

The Army Structured Self Development Level 1 course (SSD1) is a prerequisite course for soldiers looking to attend the Warrior Leader Course (WLC). Most Active Duty soldiers are expected to complete the SSD1 during duty hours or in their free time.

There are several steps to getting paid for doing the Army SSD1. Register, log in and complete the Army Structured Self Development Level 1 on the Army Learning Management System website. Print out the certificate of completion or your AARTS transcript. Then fill out DA Form 1380 following the instructions below:

  1. Mark the box labeled OTHER in Item 9.
  2. Fill in the dates that you worked on the training in Column A. It's recommended to divide the training between ten different days.
  3. The SSD1 course is 80 hours long, but only 40 hours are listed on the form in Column B. Divide the required 40 hours between the ten days entered in Column A.
  4. Put P1 for each completed line in Column C.
  5. Enter "Structured Self Development Level 1" for each completed line in Column D.
  6. Send the completed form to the DA Human Resources Command at 1600 Spearhead Div Ave, Fort Knox, Kentucky 40122.

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