Free Reserved Parking Sign Templates

Reserved Parking Sign: What Is It?

A Reserved Parking Sign refers to a sign made out of cardboard, plastic, or metal that indicates a particular spot cannot be used by just any individual. The owners of the parking facility are within their rights to establish certain restrictions when it comes to who is allowed and who is prohibited from using the parking spots. Whether you are informing others that parking is possible if the driver is handicapped, the parking spots are for people who work in the adjacent building, or the spot was purchased by a local resident, the sign will communicate the information clearly to all interested parties.

Check out our library below for a full list of Reserved Parking Sign templates.

Usually, the sign contains only two words "Reserved Parking" - the rest is up to the person that makes or orders it; for instance, you may include the name of the company whose employees are permitted to park there, explain the parking lot is only for clients or guests of an organization you identify, or add an image of the person in a wheelchair to clarify the spot is for disabled people only. Inform others that the vehicle will be towed if the owner of the car does not have permission to park there.

Make sure you use bright colors for the sign - the colors must catch the eye immediately, and the message is supposed to be clear even from a distance so that the driver knows the spot is occupied; black and white, red and white, black and yellow remain the most popular color combinations. You can create several Reserved Parking Signs for different parking spots or use a large one for the entire area where drivers cannot leave their unauthorized vehicles.

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