Instructions for Form AOC-CR-279 Petition and Order of Expunction Under G.s. 15a-145.4 (Nonviolent Felony Under Age 18) - North Carolina

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Instructions for Form AOC-CR-279 Petition and Order of Expunction Under G.s. 15a-145.4 (Nonviolent Felony Under Age 18) - North Carolina

This document contains official instructions for Form AOC-CR-279 , Petition and Order of Expunction Under G.s. 15a-145.4 (Nonviolent Felony Under Age 18) - a form released and collected by the North Carolina Court System. An up-to-date fillable Form AOC-CR-279 is available for download through this link.


Q: What is Form AOC-CR-279?
A: Form AOC-CR-279 is a petition and order of expunction specifically for nonviolent felonies committed by individuals under the age of 18 in North Carolina.

Q: What is expunction?
A: Expunction is a legal process that allows certain criminal records to be erased or cleared.

Q: Who is eligible for expunction under G.S. 15A-145.4?
A: Individuals who were convicted of a nonviolent felony offense and were under the age of 18 at the time of the offense may be eligible for expunction under G.S. 15A-145.4 in North Carolina.

Q: What is a nonviolent felony offense?
A: A nonviolent felony offense refers to a felony offense that does not involve the use or threatened use of physical force against another person.

Q: What information is required on Form AOC-CR-279?
A: Form AOC-CR-279 requires details about the offense, the petitioner's personal information, and other necessary information as specified on the form.

Q: What happens after the Form AOC-CR-279 is filed?
A: After the Form AOC-CR-279 is filed, it will be reviewed by the court. If the court determines that the petitioner meets the eligibility requirements, an order of expunction may be granted, and the criminal record may be cleared.

Q: What are the benefits of expunction?
A: Expunction allows individuals to have certain criminal records erased or cleared, which can improve employment prospects, housing opportunities, and other aspects of their lives.

Q: Can I file a Form AOC-CR-279 without an attorney?
A: Yes, you can file a Form AOC-CR-279 without an attorney. However, it is always advisable to consult with an attorney for legal advice and guidance throughout the expunction process.


Instruction Details:

  • This 1-page document is available for download in PDF;
  • Actual and applicable for the current year;
  • Also available in Spanish;
  • Complete, printable, and free.

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Download Instructions for Form AOC-CR-279 Petition and Order of Expunction Under G.s. 15a-145.4 (Nonviolent Felony Under Age 18) - North Carolina

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