Seller's Residency Affidavit - Rhode Island

Seller's Residency Affidavit - Rhode Island

Seller's Residency Affidavit is a legal document that was released by the Rhode Island Department of Revenue - Division of Taxation - a government authority operating within Rhode Island.


Q: What is a Seller's Residency Affidavit?
A: A Seller's Residency Affidavit is a legal document used by sellers to declare their residency status.

Q: Who needs to complete a Seller's Residency Affidavit in Rhode Island?
A: Sellers who are residents of Rhode Island and selling real estate need to complete a Seller's Residency Affidavit.

Q: What information is typically included in a Seller's Residency Affidavit?
A: A Seller's Residency Affidavit usually includes the seller's name, address, social security number, and residency status.

Q: Is it mandatory to submit a Seller's Residency Affidavit in Rhode Island?
A: Yes, it is mandatory for sellers to submit a Seller's Residency Affidavit when selling real estate in Rhode Island.

Q: Are there any fees associated with filing a Seller's Residency Affidavit in Rhode Island?
A: There is usually no fee for filing a Seller's Residency Affidavit in Rhode Island.

Q: What happens if a seller falsely claims residency in Rhode Island on the affidavit?
A: If a seller falsely claims residency in Rhode Island on the affidavit, they may be subject to penalties and legal consequences.

Q: Can a Seller's Residency Affidavit be used for other purposes?
A: No, a Seller's Residency Affidavit is specifically used for declaring residency status when selling real estate in Rhode Island.

Q: Do buyers need to submit any residency documents in Rhode Island?
A: No, the Seller's Residency Affidavit is only required from sellers, not buyers, in Rhode Island.


Form Details:

  • Released on September 1, 2020;
  • The latest edition currently provided by the Rhode Island Department of Revenue - Division of Taxation;
  • Ready to use and print;
  • Easy to customize;
  • Compatible with most PDF-viewing applications;
  • Fill out the form in our online filing application.

Download a printable version of the form by clicking the link below or browse more documents and templates provided by the Rhode Island Department of Revenue - Division of Taxation.

Download Seller's Residency Affidavit - Rhode Island

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