Application for Award of Supervisory Certificate - Montana

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Application for Award of Supervisory Certificate - Montana

Application for Award of Supervisory Certificate is a legal document that was released by the Montana Department of Justice - a government authority operating within Montana.


Q: What is an Award of Supervisory Certificate?
A: An Award of Supervisory Certificate is a credential that allows individuals to serve as educational supervisors in the state of Montana.

Q: Who is eligible to apply for an Award of Supervisory Certificate in Montana?
A: Individuals who hold a valid Montana teaching license and have completed a minimum of three years of successful teaching experience are eligible to apply.

Q: How do I apply for an Award of Supervisory Certificate in Montana?
A: To apply, you must complete an application form, submit official transcripts, provide evidence of teaching experience, and pay the required fee.

Q: What is the purpose of an Award of Supervisory Certificate?
A: The purpose of this certificate is to prepare educators for leadership roles in instructional supervision and administration within Montana's educational system.

Q: What are the requirements to maintain an Award of Supervisory Certificate in Montana?
A: To maintain the certificate, you must complete six semester credits of approved graduate coursework or equivalent professional development activities every five years.

Q: What types of positions can I pursue with an Award of Supervisory Certificate in Montana?
A: With this certificate, you may be eligible for positions such as curriculum coordinator, principal, assistant principal, or instructional supervisor in Montana schools.

Q: How long does it take to process an application for an Award of Supervisory Certificate in Montana?
A: The processing time for applications varies, but it typically takes several weeks to review and finalize the certification.

Q: Are there any additional requirements for out-of-state applicants seeking an Award of Supervisory Certificate in Montana?
A: Yes, out-of-state applicants must also provide documentation of holding a valid teaching license from another state.

Q: What is the fee for applying for an Award of Supervisory Certificate in Montana?
A: As of the current fee schedule, the application fee is $75.


Form Details:

  • Released on November 1, 2020;
  • The latest edition currently provided by the Montana Department of Justice;
  • Ready to use and print;
  • Easy to customize;
  • Compatible with most PDF-viewing applications;
  • Fill out the form in our online filing application.

Download a fillable version of the form by clicking the link below or browse more documents and templates provided by the Montana Department of Justice.

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