Application for Vacatur Expungement - Utah

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Application for Vacatur Expungement - Utah

Application for Vacatur Expungement is a legal document that was released by the Utah Department of Public Safety - a government authority operating within Utah.


Q: What is a Vacatur Expungement?
A: A Vacatur Expungement is a process that allows individuals to have certain convictions removed from their criminal record.

Q: Why would someone apply for a Vacatur Expungement?
A: Someone may apply for a Vacatur Expungement to clear their criminal record and enhance their employment and housing prospects.

Q: What types of convictions are eligible for Vacatur Expungement in Utah?
A: Certain low-level felony and misdemeanor convictions, like drug possession or theft offenses, may be eligible for Vacatur Expungement in Utah.

Q: How do you apply for a Vacatur Expungement in Utah?
A: To apply for a Vacatur Expungement in Utah, you need to complete an application form and file it with the court that handled your original conviction.

Q: What is the effect of a Vacatur Expungement?
A: A Vacatur Expungement sets aside the conviction and treats it as if it never occurred, allowing individuals to deny or fail to acknowledge the conviction in most circumstances.

Q: Is there a waiting period to apply for a Vacatur Expungement?
A: Yes, in Utah, there is generally a waiting period of five years after the completion of all sentences and other requirements before you can apply for a Vacatur Expungement.

Q: Can all convictions be expunged through Vacatur Expungement?
A: No, not all convictions are eligible for Vacatur Expungement. Violent felony offenses and certain other serious crimes are generally not eligible for this type of expungement.


Form Details:

  • Released on March 23, 2020;
  • The latest edition currently provided by the Utah Department of Public Safety;
  • Ready to use and print;
  • Easy to customize;
  • Compatible with most PDF-viewing applications;
  • Fill out the form in our online filing application.

Download a printable version of the form by clicking the link below or browse more documents and templates provided by the Utah Department of Public Safety.

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