Jimmie Davis - You Won't Be Satisfied That Way (4 / 4 Time, Key of D) Chord Chart

Jimmie Davis - You Won't Be Satisfied That Way (4 / 4 Time, Key of D) Chord Chart

The document "Jimmie Davis - You Won't Be Satisfied That Way (4/4 Time, Key of D) Chord Chart" is likely a musical resource. It provides a visual representation of the chords to be played on a musical instrument, such as a guitar or piano, for the song "You Won't Be Satisfied That Way" by Jimmie Davis. The chart indicates the specific chords to play in a particular order and in the key of D, along with the timing of the song (4/4 time). This document can be helpful for musicians who want to learn or perform the song accurately.


Q: What is the chord chart for 'You Won't Be Satisfied That Way' by Jimmie Davis in 4/4 Time and Key of D?A: The chord chart for 'You Won't Be Satisfied That Way' by Jimmie Davis in 4/4 Time and Key of D is as follows:

Q: What are the chords used in 'You Won't Be Satisfied That Way' by Jimmie Davis?A: The chords used in 'You Won't Be Satisfied That Way' by Jimmie Davis are not provided in the document.

Q: What is the time signature of 'You Won't Be Satisfied That Way' by Jimmie Davis?A: The time signature of 'You Won't Be Satisfied That Way' by Jimmie Davis is 4/4.

Q: What is the key of 'You Won't Be Satisfied That Way' by Jimmie Davis?A: The key of 'You Won't Be Satisfied That Way' by Jimmie Davis is D.

Q: Can you provide the chord chart for 'You Won't Be Satisfied That Way' by Jimmie Davis?A: Unfortunately, the chord chart for 'You Won't Be Satisfied That Way' by Jimmie Davis is not available in the document.


Download Jimmie Davis - You Won't Be Satisfied That Way (4 / 4 Time, Key of D) Chord Chart

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  • Jimmie Davis - You Won't Be Satisfied That Way (4/4 Time, Key of D) Chord Chart Preview

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