Form 13 Parking Infraction Notice - Ontario, Canada (English / French)

Form 13 Parking Infraction Notice - Ontario, Canada (English / French)

Form 13 Parking Infraction Notice is used in Ontario, Canada to notify vehicle owners of a parking violation. It is issued in both English and French languages.

The Form 13 Parking Infraction Notice in Ontario, Canada (English/French) is typically filed by the parking enforcement officer or the issuing authority.


Q: What is a Form 13 Parking Infraction Notice?
A: A Form 13 Parking Infraction Notice is a ticket issued for a parking violation in Ontario, Canada.

Q: What should I do if I receive a Form 13 Parking Infraction Notice?
A: If you receive a Form 13 Parking Infraction Notice, you should follow the instructions on the ticket. This may include paying the fine or requesting a trial.

Q: How much is the fine for a Form 13 Parking Infraction Notice?
A: The fine amount for a Form 13 Parking Infraction Notice can vary depending on the specific parking violation. The fine amount will be indicated on the ticket.

Q: Can I dispute a Form 13 Parking Infraction Notice?
A: Yes, you can dispute a Form 13 Parking Infraction Notice by requesting a trial. Follow the instructions on the ticket to request a trial.

Q: Are there any consequences if I do not pay the fine for a Form 13 Parking Infraction Notice?
A: Yes, if you do not pay the fine for a Form 13 Parking Infraction Notice, it may result in additional fees, penalties, or further legal actions.

Q: Is there a deadline for paying the fine for a Form 13 Parking Infraction Notice?
A: Yes, there is typically a deadline for paying the fine indicated on the ticket. It is important to pay the fine by the specified deadline to avoid any additional consequences.

Q: Can I pay the fine for a Form 13 Parking Infraction Notice in person?
A: Yes, you can usually pay the fine for a Form 13 Parking Infraction Notice in person. Check the instructions on the ticket for payment locations.

Q: Can I pay the fine for a Form 13 Parking Infraction Notice by mail?
A: Yes, in some cases, you can pay the fine for a Form 13 Parking Infraction Notice by mail. Check the instructions on the ticket for mailing instructions.

Q: What happens if I don't pay the fine for a Form 13 Parking Infraction Notice?
A: If you don't pay the fine for a Form 13 Parking Infraction Notice, it can lead to further consequences such as collection actions, license plate denial, or even potential vehicle impoundment.

Q: Can I get demerit points for a Form 13 Parking Infraction Notice?
A: No, a Form 13 Parking Infraction Notice does not result in demerit points being added to your driver's license. However, unpaid fines can affect your ability to renew or transfer your vehicle registration.

Q: Is a Form 13 Parking Infraction Notice a criminal offense?
A: No, a Form 13 Parking Infraction Notice is not considered a criminal offense. It is a provincial offense under the Highway Traffic Act of Ontario.

Q: What should I do if I believe the Form 13 Parking Infraction Notice was issued in error?
A: If you believe the Form 13 Parking Infraction Notice was issued in error, you can dispute it by requesting a trial. Follow the instructions on the ticket to request a trial and present evidence supporting your case.

Q: Can I request a trial for a Form 13 Parking Infraction Notice?
A: Yes, you can request a trial for a Form 13 Parking Infraction Notice if you wish to dispute it. Follow the instructions on the ticket to request a trial.

Q: Are Form 13 Parking Infraction Notices transferable between provinces?
A: No, Form 13 Parking Infraction Notices are specific to the province of Ontario, Canada and are not transferable between provinces.

Q: Is there a way to reduce the fine for a Form 13 Parking Infraction Notice?
A: In some cases, you may be able to request a reduction of the fine amount for a Form 13 Parking Infraction Notice. Contact the appropriate authorities or follow the instructions on the ticket for more information.

Q: What if I can't afford to pay the fine for a Form 13 Parking Infraction Notice?
A: If you are unable to afford to pay the fine for a Form 13 Parking Infraction Notice, you may have options such as applying for a payment plan or seeking legal advice. Contact the appropriate authorities or follow the instructions on the ticket for more information.


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