Periodontal Chart - Cambridge Dental Consultants

Periodontal Chart - Cambridge Dental Consultants

The Periodontal Chart is used by Cambridge Dental Consultants to keep track of the health of a patient's gums and supporting structures. It helps in diagnosing and monitoring gum diseases and determining appropriate treatment plans.


Q: What is a periodontal chart?A: A periodontal chart is a record of the health of your gums and teeth.

Q: Why is a periodontal chart important?A: A periodontal chart helps dentists evaluate the condition of your gums and diagnose gum diseases like periodontitis.

Q: How is a periodontal chart created?A: A periodontal chart is created by measuring the depths of the spaces between your gums and teeth using a probe.

Q: What do the numbers on a periodontal chart mean?A: The numbers on a periodontal chart reflect the depth of the gum pockets around each tooth. Higher numbers indicate deeper pockets, which may indicate gum disease.

Q: Can a periodontal charting procedure be uncomfortable?A: Some patients may experience mild discomfort during periodontal charting due to sensitivity in the gums.

Q: How often should a periodontal chart be done?A: Periodontal charting is typically done as part of a routine dental check-up, which is recommended every 6 months.

Q: Can periodontal charting help prevent gum diseases?A: Yes, regular periodontal charting allows dentists to detect gum diseases early and take necessary steps to prevent further damage.

Q: Are there any risks associated with periodontal charting?A: Periodontal charting is a safe procedure, but there is a slight risk of infection if proper sterilization techniques are not followed.

Q: What should I do if my periodontal chart shows signs of gum disease?A: If your periodontal chart indicates gum disease, your dentist may recommend a treatment plan to address the issue and improve your oral health.

Q: Can periodontal charting be done at any dental office?A: Yes, periodontal charting is a routine procedure that can be done at any dental office.


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