Periodontal Chart Scoring Sheet

Periodontal Chart Scoring Sheet

A Periodontal Chart Scoring Sheet is used by dentists to record and assess the health of your gums and teeth. It helps in diagnosing and tracking periodontal (gum) disease. The sheet records measurements of gum pockets, bleeding, and other signs of gum disease.

The periodontal chart scoring sheet is typically filled out by the dentist or dental hygienist during a dental visit.


Q: What is a periodontal chart scoring sheet?A: A periodontal chart scoring sheet is a tool used by dentists to assess the health of your gums and supporting structures of your teeth.

Q: Why is a periodontal chart scoring sheet used?A: A periodontal chart scoring sheet is used to track and monitor the progression of gum diseases and to determine the appropriate treatment plan.

Q: How is a periodontal chart scoring sheet completed?A: A periodontal chart scoring sheet is completed by measuring the depth of the spaces or pockets between your gums and teeth using a probe.

Q: What does the depth of gum pockets indicate?A: The depth of gum pockets indicates the level of gum attachment and can help identify early signs of gum disease.

Q: How is the information recorded on a periodontal chart scoring sheet?A: The information about each tooth's measurements and conditions is recorded on a chart using specific symbols and abbreviations.

Q: What are some common periodontal chart symbols and abbreviations?A: Common periodontal chart symbols and abbreviations include PD (pocket depth), CAL (clinical attachment level), and supp (suppuration or pus).

Q: Who can interpret a periodontal chart scoring sheet?A: A dentist or dental hygienist can interpret a periodontal chart scoring sheet and explain the results to you.

Q: Are periodontal chart scoring sheets used in every dental visit?A: Periodontal chart scoring sheets are not used in every dental visit, but they are typically done during initial evaluations and periodic check-ups.

Q: Does a high score on a periodontal chart mean I have gum disease?A: A high score on a periodontal chart may indicate gum disease, but a full examination and diagnosis by a dental professional is needed to confirm.

Q: Can gum disease be reversed?A: Gum disease can be treated and managed, but it is not reversible. It is important to maintain good oral hygiene and regular dental visits to prevent its progression.


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  • Periodontal Chart Scoring Sheet for Accurate Assessments of Gum Health.