Form 28B Coroner's Findings at Inquest - Suspected Death - Queensland, Australia

Form 28B Coroner's Findings at Inquest - Suspected Death - Queensland, Australia

Form 28B, also known as the Coroner's Findings at Inquest - Suspected Death, is a document used in Queensland, Australia. This document is issued by the Coroner following an inquest into a suspected death. Its purpose is to document the results of the investigation and includes details such as the cause, time, place, and circumstances of the death. This form is part of the legal process to officially confirm the death and establish its details, especially in cases where the death was unexpected, unexplained, violent, or resulted from an accident or injury. The findings are public documents and can also provide valuable information for family members, relevant authorities, and organizations responsible for public safety and health.

The Form 28B Coroner's Findings at Inquest - Suspected Death in Queensland, Australia, is typically filed by the coroner conducting the inquest. This document provides detailed findings from a coroner's inquest into a suspected death, including the deceased's identity, how they died, and any relevant circumstances. The coroner is responsible for completing and filing this document as part of their official duties following an inquest.


Q: What is Form 28B Coroner's Findings at Inquest in Queensland, Australia?A: Form 28B in Queensland, Australia, is a document that contains the Coroner's findings at an Inquest concerning a suspected death. The form includes information like the suspected deceased's identity, when and where they died, and the cause and circumstances of the suspected death.

Q: Who completes the Form 28B Coroner's Findings at Inquest in Queensland?A: The Form 28B is completed by the coroner presiding over the inquest. They use the evidence presented at the inquest to make their findings.

Q: What is an inquest in the context of Queensland, Australia?A: An inquest is a legal investigation conducted by a coroner into a death that is sudden, unexplained, violent or unnatural. Inquests can also be held if a death occurred in custody or care, or when nobody physically verifies the person's death.

Q: When is Form 28B used in Queensland?A: Form 28B is used when an inquest was held into a suspected death in Queensland. It outlines the findings and decisions made by the Coroner based on the evidence presented during the inquest.

Q: What details are required in the Form 28B Coroner's Findings at Inquest?A: The Form 28B requires details such as the name of the deceased, the date and place of the death, the cause of death, how the person died, and any other important circumstances related to the death.


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