Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Clearance Form - Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association

Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Clearance Form - Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association

The Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Clearance Form from the Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association (WIAA) is a document used to evaluate an athlete's physical readiness prior to participating in any athletes' interscholastic sport. The purpose of this form is to identify high risk issues before they become a problem during athletics. This includes establishing the health eligibility of the athlete, detecting conditions that may be life threatening or disabling, identifying and managing orthopedic issues, as well as acquiring a detailed health history. It ultimately ensures the athlete's safety and wellbeing during athletic participation.

The Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Clearance Form for the Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association (WIAA) is typically filed by a licensed physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant. This form certifies that a student athlete has undergone a physical examination and is medically cleared to participate in sports activities. This form must be submitted by the athlete's parents or guardians to the school or athletic association before the student is allowed to participate in sports. For the most accurate information, it's best to check directly with the WIAA or relevant school district's athletic department.


Q: What is the Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Clearance Form?
A: The Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Clearance Form is a legal document utilized by the Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association. This form is conducted to assess the medical fitness and physical condition of a student or athlete to participate in sports or athletics activities in the State of Wisconsin.

Q: Who uses the Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Clearance Form in Wisconsin?
A: The form is used by medical professionals, preferably a licensed physician, to evaluate the athletes. It is then submitted to the relevant authorities or the sports department of the school or academy the athlete is enrolled in.

Q: Why is the Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Clearance Form important?
A: The form is important to ensure the safety and well-being of athletes. It helps to detect any potential health conditions or issues that may put the athlete at risk during sporting activities. This allows for timely healthcare intervention, appropriate training adjustments, and can also help to prevent serious injury.

Q: What information is required in the Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Clearance Form?
A: Typically, the form includes the athlete's personal information, medical history, findings from a physical examination, and the physician’s recommendation as to whether the athlete is cleared to participate in sporting events.

Q: Is Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Clearance Form required every year?
A: The requirement for the frequency of this physical evaluation varies. It is advisable to seek guidance from the local school, athletic board, or similar authority. However, it is common for a physical evaluation to be done annually especially for contact sports or when any significant health changes occur.


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