Integers Rules Worksheet

Integers Rules Worksheet

Integers Rules Worksheet is a document used to practice and understand the rules and operations involving integers. It helps students learn and reinforce their knowledge of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing integers.

The Integers Rules worksheet is usually filled out by students, under the guidance of their math teachers.


Q: What are integers?A: Integers are whole numbers, both positive and negative, including zero.

Q: What is the rule for adding integers with the same sign?A: When adding integers with the same sign, you add their absolute values and keep the same sign.

Q: What is the rule for adding integers with different signs?A: When adding integers with different signs, you subtract their absolute values and use the sign of the larger number.

Q: What is the rule for subtracting integers?A: To subtract integers, add the opposite (or additive inverse) of the second number.

Q: What is the rule for multiplying integers?A: The product of two integers with the same sign is positive, while the product of two integers with different signs is negative.

Q: What is the rule for dividing integers?A: The quotient of two integers with the same sign is positive, while the quotient of two integers with different signs is negative.

Q: What is the rule for raising integers to a power?A: Raising a positive integer to an even power results in a positive value, while raising a negative integer to an even power results in a positive value.

Q: What is the rule for raising integers to a negative power?A: Raising an integer to a negative power results in the reciprocal (or the inverse) of the value raised to the positive power.

Q: What is the rule for adding zero to an integer?A: Adding zero to any integer results in the same integer.

Q: What is the rule for multiplying an integer by zero?A: Multiplying any integer by zero results in zero.


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