Functional Capacity Evaluation Paperwork - Wellspan Rehabilitation

Functional Capacity Evaluation Paperwork - Wellspan Rehabilitation

Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) paperwork is used by Wellspan Rehabilitation to assess an individual's physical abilities and limitations. It helps determine their readiness to return to work or participate in certain activities after an injury or illness.


Q: What is a Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)?A: A Functional Capacity Evaluation is an assessment used to determine an individual's physical abilities and limitations in order to make recommendations for work and daily activities.

Q: Why do I need to complete paperwork for a Functional Capacity Evaluation?A: The paperwork helps gather important information about your medical history, current condition, and any specific concerns that need to be addressed during the evaluation.

Q: What kind of information is typically requested in the paperwork?A: The paperwork usually asks for basic personal information, details about your medical history and current condition, as well as any medications or treatments you are currently undergoing.

Q: Is there a deadline for completing the paperwork?A: It is advisable to complete the paperwork as soon as possible to ensure there is enough time to review the information before your evaluation appointment.

Q: Will my insurance cover the cost of the Functional Capacity Evaluation?A: Coverage for a Functional Capacity Evaluation may vary depending on your insurance plan. It is best to check with your insurance provider to understand your coverage and any potential out-of-pocket costs.

Q: How long does a Functional Capacity Evaluation typically take?A: The duration of the evaluation can vary depending on the complexities involved, but it usually ranges from 2 to 4 hours.

Q: What should I bring with me to the Functional Capacity Evaluation appointment?A: It is recommended to bring any relevant medical records, imaging reports, or other documentation related to your condition. You should also bring comfortable clothing and any necessary assistive devices (e.g., braces, crutches).

Q: Can I request a copy of the Functional Capacity Evaluation report?A: Yes, you can typically request a copy of the evaluation report from Wellspan Rehabilitation. They will provide you with the necessary information on how to obtain a copy.

Q: Who will review the Functional Capacity Evaluation results?A: The evaluation results are typically reviewed by a licensed healthcare professional at Wellspan Rehabilitation who specializes in assessing functional abilities and limitations.


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