INPUT Form A Corrections Officer Retirement Plan - Arizona

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INPUT Form A Corrections Officer Retirement Plan - Arizona

What Is INPUT Form A?

This is a legal form that was released by the Arizona Department of Public Safety - a government authority operating within Arizona. As of today, no separate filing guidelines for the form are provided by the issuing department.


Q: What is the Form A Corrections Officer Retirement Plan?
A: The Form A Corrections Officer Retirement Plan is a retirement plan specifically designed for corrections officers in the state of Arizona.

Q: Who is eligible for the Form A Corrections Officer Retirement Plan?
A: Corrections officers who are employed by the state of Arizona are eligible for the Form A Corrections Officer Retirement Plan.

Q: How does the Form A Corrections Officer Retirement Plan work?
A: The Form A Corrections Officer Retirement Plan is a defined benefit plan, which means that eligible corrections officers will receive a monthly retirement income based on their years of service and salary history.

Q: What are the benefits of the Form A Corrections Officer Retirement Plan?
A: The benefits of the Form A Corrections Officer Retirement Plan include a guaranteed lifetime income, potential cost-of-living adjustments, and survivor benefits for eligible beneficiaries.

Q: Can corrections officers contribute to the Form A Corrections Officer Retirement Plan?
A: No, corrections officers do not make contributions to the Form A Corrections Officer Retirement Plan. The plan is funded entirely by employer contributions.

Q: How do corrections officers become eligible for retirement benefits under the Form A Corrections Officer Retirement Plan?
A: Corrections officers become eligible for retirement benefits under the Form A Corrections Officer Retirement Plan after reaching a certain age and completing a minimum number of years of service, as determined by the plan rules.

Q: Can corrections officers receive a lump sum payment instead of monthly retirement income under the Form A Corrections Officer Retirement Plan?
A: No, corrections officers are not eligible to receive a lump sum payment under the Form A Corrections Officer Retirement Plan. The plan provides for monthly retirement income only.

Q: What happens to the Form A Corrections Officer Retirement Plan if a corrections officer leaves employment before becoming eligible for retirement benefits?
A: If a corrections officer leaves employment before becoming eligible for retirement benefits under the Form A Corrections Officer Retirement Plan, they will generally have the option to withdraw their contributions made to the plan or leave the contributions in the plan to potentially accrue interest until they become eligible for benefits.

Q: Is the Form A Corrections Officer Retirement Plan taxable?
A: Yes, the retirement income received under the Form A Corrections Officer Retirement Plan is generally subject to federal income tax.


Form Details:

  • Released on October 1, 2016;
  • The latest edition provided by the Arizona Department of Public Safety;
  • Easy to use and ready to print;
  • Quick to customize;
  • Compatible with most PDF-viewing applications;
  • Fill out the form in our online filing application.

Download a printable version of INPUT Form A by clicking the link below or browse more documents and templates provided by the Arizona Department of Public Safety.

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