Form NAVMC2795 Counseling Worksheet

Form NAVMC2795 Counseling Worksheet

What Is NAVMC 2795?

Form NAVMC 2795, Counseling Worksheet , is an official document issued by the United States Marine Corps. This form's main purpose is to assist U.S. Marines (as well as the U.S. Marines Reserve) with motivation towards a better personal performance of their military duties.

All senior U.S. Marines have the responsibility for providing counseling to junior U.S. Marines. Motivation and individual performance are the key elements of a positive and healthy environment for Marine duty. Counseling ethics in balance with some other techniques are part of the U.S. Marine Corps' leadership training.

The NAVMC 2795 Counseling Worksheet was last revised on and is available for download below.


Form NAVMC 2795 Instructions

To fill out Form NAVMC 2795 you need to provide the following:

  1. List the required personal information including your full name, Social Security Number, and rank.
  2. State the reason for counseling (initial, scheduled, or event-related) and name of a senior U.S. Marine in charge of providing counseling.
  3. It is recommended to document subjects discussed during counseling sessions to understand points for improvement and to prevent the repetition of topics. The main features that need to be recorded are the subjects discussed, targets for the upcoming period, achievements since the previous counseling session. If a particular event has led to counseling, a mutual understanding of a resolution needs to be conceived towards the close of the session.
  4. Documentation of a counseling session is only for the use of the senior and the junior Marines and is not to be passed to a third party.

Participants are strongly encouraged to keep additional counseling notes for future reference. These need to include the date of the session, the name of the Marine who received the counseling, subjects discussed, and the tasks that were set for an upcoming period. All mentoring partnerships are known for providing unique benefits - increased confidence, better career satisfaction, and awareness of career opportunities as well as easier career transitions for the service members in question.

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