Foreign Corporation (Business or Non-profit) Amendment to Registration - Alabama

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Foreign Corporation (Business or Non-profit) Amendment to Registration - Alabama

Foreign Corporation (Business or Non-profit) Amendment to Registration is a legal document that was released by the Alabama Secretary of State - a government authority operating within Alabama.


Q: What is a Foreign Corporation?
A: A foreign corporation is a business or non-profit organization that is registered in a state or country other than Alabama.

Q: What is an Amendment to Registration?
A: An Amendment to Registration is a legal process to make changes or updates to the registration information of a foreign corporation.

Q: Why would a Foreign Corporation need to file an Amendment to Registration?
A: A foreign corporation may need to file an Amendment to Registration if there are changes to its name, registered agent, principal office address, or other important details.

Q: How can a Foreign Corporation file an Amendment to Registration in Alabama?
A: A foreign corporation can file an Amendment to Registration by submitting the necessary form, along with the filing fee, to the Alabama Secretary of State.

Q: What is the filing fee for an Amendment to Registration for a Foreign Corporation in Alabama?
A: The filing fee for an Amendment to Registration for a foreign corporation in Alabama is $25.

Q: Are there any additional requirements for filing an Amendment to Registration for a Foreign Corporation in Alabama?
A: Yes, the foreign corporation must also provide a certificate of good standing from its home state or country and a certified copy of any amendments to its governing documents.

Q: Can a Foreign Non-profit Corporation file an Amendment to Registration in Alabama?
A: Yes, a foreign non-profit corporation can file an Amendment to Registration in Alabama, following the same process and requirements as a for-profit foreign corporation.


Form Details:

  • Released on January 1, 2020;
  • The latest edition currently provided by the Alabama Secretary of State;
  • Ready to use and print;
  • Easy to customize;
  • Compatible with most PDF-viewing applications;
  • Fill out the form in our online filing application.

Download a fillable version of the form by clicking the link below or browse more documents and templates provided by the Alabama Secretary of State.

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