Hoa Proxy Form

Hoa Proxy Form

What Is an HOA Proxy Form?

A Homeowners Association Proxy Form is a legal document that can be used by homeowners when they want to delegate their right to vote at a Homeowners Association (HOA) meeting to another person. The purpose of the document is to confirm that the homeowner's vote on the matte will be accepted and taken into account.

A printable HOA Proxy Form template can be downloaded through the link below.

Another reason to use a Proxy Form for an HOA is to make sure the meeting makes a quorum. If a quorum will not be reached, the meeting will have to be adjourned and rescheduled. A proxy is a convenient tool that can help the homeowner vote and influence the decision even when they cannot be at the meeting.


How to Fill Out an HOA Proxy Form?

Some Homeowners Associations have established their own proxy forms that are supposed to be used by homeowners. Nevertheless, if the homeowner is a member of the association that does not have their own form, they can use a sample HOA Proxy Form. It will - most often - include the following parts:

  1. Title. The proxy should start with a title that will designate its purpose and the name of the homeowners association where it can be used.
  2. Homeowner. Here, the homeowner should state their full name, their address, and their intention to delegate their right to vote to the entitled proxy.
  3. Proxy. The homeowner can use this part of the document to indicate the full name and the address of their proxy. Personal information of the homeowner and the proxy is needed for identification purposes.
  4. Meeting. In this part of the document, the homeowner can include information about the meeting during which the proxy is supposed to represent the homeowner. It can include the date and the place where the meeting will be held.
  5. Delegation. Homeowners are supposed to designate all of the rights that they delegate to their proxy. Usually, it contains the right to attend and represent the homeowner with the full power to vote as if the homeowner was personally present.
  6. Term. The HOA Proxy should include information about when it comes into effect and until which moment it continues to be in full effect. Generally, homeowners state that the proxy stays in effect until further notice from the homeowner. Nevertheless, the homeowner can state that the proxy stays in effect until a certain date.
  7. Date. The homeowner can designate the date when the proxy was signed.
  8. Signature. At the end of the document, the homeowner can put their name and signature.

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