Deputy Commissioner for Civil Marriage for a Day (Dccm) - Ventura County, California

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Deputy Commissioner for Civil Marriage for a Day (Dccm) - Ventura County, California

Deputy Commissioner for Civil Marriage for a Day (Dccm) is a legal document that was released by the Clerk-Recorder - Ventura County, California - a government authority operating within California. The form may be used strictly within Ventura County.


Q: What is the role of Deputy Commissioner for Civil Marriage for a Day (DCCM) in Ventura County, California?
A: The Deputy Commissioner for Civil Marriage for a Day (DCCM) in Ventura County, California is responsible for officiating civil marriage ceremonies on a temporary basis.

Q: How can I become a Deputy Commissioner for Civil Marriage for a Day (DCCM) in Ventura County, California?
A: To become a Deputy Commissioner for Civil Marriage for a Day (DCCM) in Ventura County, California, you need to apply with the County Clerk's Office and meet the eligibility requirements.

Q: Can anyone become a Deputy Commissioner for Civil Marriage for a Day (DCCM) in Ventura County, California?
A: No, to become a Deputy Commissioner for Civil Marriage for a Day (DCCM) in Ventura County, California, you must meet the eligibility requirements set by the County Clerk's Office.

Q: What are the eligibility requirements to become a Deputy Commissioner for Civil Marriage for a Day (DCCM) in Ventura County, California?
A: The eligibility requirements to become a Deputy Commissioner for Civil Marriage for a Day (DCCM) in Ventura County, California may include being a resident of the county, being at least 18 years old, and attending a training program.

Q: Is there a fee to become a Deputy Commissioner for Civil Marriage for a Day (DCCM) in Ventura County, California?
A: Yes, there may be a fee associated with becoming a Deputy Commissioner for Civil Marriage for a Day (DCCM) in Ventura County, California. The exact fee amount can be obtained from the County Clerk's Office.

Q: What is the term limit for being a Deputy Commissioner for Civil Marriage for a Day (DCCM) in Ventura County, California?
A: The term limit for being a Deputy Commissioner for Civil Marriage for a Day (DCCM) in Ventura County, California is typically one day. The DCCM is appointed on a temporary basis to officiate specific civil marriage ceremonies.

Q: Can a Deputy Commissioner for Civil Marriage for a Day (DCCM) officiate any religious or non-religious ceremony?
A: No, a Deputy Commissioner for Civil Marriage for a Day (DCCM) in Ventura County, California can only officiate civil marriage ceremonies. They cannot officiate religious or non-religious ceremonies.

Q: Do I need to provide my own equipment and supplies as a Deputy Commissioner for Civil Marriage for a Day (DCCM) in Ventura County, California?
A: No, as a Deputy Commissioner for Civil Marriage for a Day (DCCM) in Ventura County, California, you will be provided with the necessary equipment and supplies to officiate civil marriage ceremonies.


Form Details:

  • Released on July 1, 2022;
  • The latest edition currently provided by the Clerk-Recorder - Ventura County, California;
  • Ready to use and print;
  • Easy to customize;
  • Compatible with most PDF-viewing applications;
  • Fill out the form in our online filing application.

Download a fillable version of the form by clicking the link below or browse more documents and templates provided by the Clerk-Recorder - Ventura County, California.

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