Daily Temperature Log Sheet - Refrigerator, Freezer, Pantry

Daily Temperature Log Sheet - Refrigerator, Freezer, Pantry

Daily Temperature Log Sheet

Keeping an everyday check of temperature in refrigerators, freezers, and containers is a good idea if your goal is to make sure all products - especially temperature-sensitive products - are stored correctly. A daily temperature log sheet helps track any temperature changes that may happen throughout the day. The log is used to record heat measurements in all storages within a facility - including its dry pantries, refrigerators, and freezers - and following the correct storing temperature means sticking to the required quality control measures.

The printable refrigerator temperature log sheet available below also doubles as a freezer temperature log. It is an important piece of paperwork used in the food, healthcare, and logistics industry, helping to ensure that the products are stored and transported properly by verifying that the temperature is checked regularly. Employees responsible for handling temperature-sensitive products are tasked with performing regular temperature checks during transportation and storage. These checks are then recorded on the form. Every entry on the log must include the name of the employee and the time they take the measurements. Keep a separate log for each refrigerator within the facility.


How to Accurately Measure Fridge Temperature?

Daily temperature log spreadsheets are widely used both in the industry and in homes to record temperature measurements and prevent any shifts that may be harmful to the stored supplies.

Use reliable refrigerator thermometers to accurately measure temperature in the fridge, freezer, or pantry. These devices provide the most accurate measurements at cold temperatures. To take the temperature in the freezer properly, place the thermometer between the packages with frozen food and wait for 5 to 8 hours. To measure temperature in the refrigerator, place thermometer into a vessel containing water. Check the indicators for the same time period as indicated for the freezer. By all means, keep the thermometer in storage permanently, if you wish, to facilitate refrigerator temperature logging.

The standard range to be maintained in dry storage is 50° to 70°F. The temperature in refrigerated storage must be between 36° and 40°F. In freezer storage, it is required to keep the temperature at 0°F or below. If you find out that storage in your facility does not meet the prescribed temperature conditions, regulate the settings immediately or report the situation to the responsible individual.

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  • Daily Temperature Log Sheet for Refrigerator, Freezer, and Pantry