Personal Medicine List - American Heart Association

Personal Medicine List - American Heart Association

The Personal Medicine List by the American Heart Association is a document that helps individuals keep track of the medications they are taking. It includes information about the dosage, frequency, and purpose of each medication. This list is useful for personal reference and can be shared with healthcare providers to ensure safe and effective treatment.


Q: What is the Personal Medicine List?A: The Personal Medicine List is a document that lists all the medications you are currently taking.

Q: Why is it important to have a Personal Medicine List?A: Having a Personal Medicine List helps healthcare professionals have a complete picture of your medication history and can assist in providing safe and effective care.

Q: What information should be included in a Personal Medicine List?A: A Personal Medicine List should include the name of the medication, dosage instructions, frequency of use, and the reason for taking each medication.

Q: How often should I update my Personal Medicine List?A: It is recommended to update your Personal Medicine List at least once a year, or whenever there are changes to your medication regimen.

Q: Are over-the-counter medications included in the Personal Medicine List?A: Yes, it is important to include all medications, including over-the-counter medications, herbal supplements, and vitamins on your Personal Medicine List.


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  • Personal Medicine List concept - a blank checklist form with space to fill in medications for personal use. Designed by