Medication Deferral List - Mercy Hospital

Medication Deferral List - Mercy Hospital

The Medication Deferral List at Mercy Hospital is a document used to identify medications that may require deferral or adjustment before certain medical procedures to ensure patient safety and optimal treatment outcomes. This list helps medical professionals determine the appropriate course of action for patients taking specific medications.


Q: What is the medication deferral list?A: The medication deferral list is a list of medications that may cause a deferral or delay in receiving certain medical treatments or procedures.

Q: Why is there a medication deferral list?A: The medication deferral list is used to ensure the safety and effectiveness of medical treatments or procedures by avoiding potential interactions or complications with certain medications.

Q: Who should be aware of the medication deferral list?A: Patients, healthcare providers, and medical staff should be aware of the medication deferral list to ensure appropriate and safe medical care.

Q: How often is the medication deferral list updated?A: The medication deferral list is regularly updated to reflect new research and changes in medical practices.

Q: What should I do if a medication I am taking is on the deferral list?A: If a medication you are taking is on the deferral list, it is important to inform your healthcare provider so they can determine the appropriate course of action.

Q: Can I stop taking a medication on the deferral list without consulting my healthcare provider?A: No, it is important to consult your healthcare provider before making any changes to your medication regimen, even if it is on the deferral list.

Q: Are all medications on the deferral list contraindicated for medical treatments or procedures?A: Not necessarily. Some medications on the deferral list may require temporary discontinuation or dosage adjustment, while others may be contraindicated altogether.

Q: Are over-the-counter medications included on the deferral list?A: Yes, both prescription and over-the-counter medications can be included on the medication deferral list.

Q: Can I still receive medical treatments or procedures if I am taking a medication on the deferral list?A: In most cases, medical treatments or procedures can still be performed, but additional precautions or adjustments may be necessary.

Q: Is the medication deferral list specific to Mercy Hospital?A: The medication deferral list may vary from one medical facility to another, but the general concept remains the same.


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