License Surrender and Letter of Clearance - Louisiana

License Surrender and Letter of Clearance - Louisiana

License Surrender and Letter of Clearance is a legal document that was released by the Louisiana Department of Insurance - a government authority operating within Louisiana.


Q: What is a License Surrender and Letter of Clearance?
A: A License Surrender and Letter of Clearance is a document that allows an individual to voluntarily surrender their driver's license or identification card.

Q: Why would someone want to surrender their license?
A: There are various reasons why someone might want to surrender their license, such as moving to another state, no longer needing a driver's license, or having a medical condition that prevents them from driving.

Q: How can I surrender my license in Louisiana?
A: To surrender your license in Louisiana, you will need to complete a License Surrender and Letter of Clearance form, which can be obtained from the Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles (OMV). You will need to provide proof of identity and pay any applicable fees.

Q: What is a Letter of Clearance?
A: A Letter of Clearance is a document issued by the Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles (OMV) that confirms the surrender of your license and states that you are no longer licensed to drive in the state.

Q: Do I need a Letter of Clearance to surrender my license?
A: Yes, in Louisiana, you will need to obtain a Letter of Clearance after surrendering your license. This document serves as proof that you have surrendered your license and are no longer licensed to drive in the state.

Q: Is there a fee to surrender my license?
A: Yes, there may be a fee to surrender your license in Louisiana. The exact fee will depend on the specific circumstances, such as the type of license being surrendered.

Q: Can I still use my ID if I surrender my license?
A: If you surrender your driver's license, you can still use your identification card (ID) for non-driving purposes. However, you will no longer be able to use the ID for any driving-related activities.

Q: Can I get a new license after surrendering my old one?
A: Yes, if you surrender your license and later need a new one, you can apply for a new license through the Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles (OMV) by following the appropriate application process.


Form Details:

  • Released on May 1, 2016;
  • The latest edition currently provided by the Louisiana Department of Insurance;
  • Ready to use and print;
  • Easy to customize;
  • Compatible with most PDF-viewing applications;
  • Fill out the form in our online filing application.

Download a fillable version of the form by clicking the link below or browse more documents and templates provided by the Louisiana Department of Insurance.

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