Student Internship Evaluation Form - Cankaya University

Student Internship Evaluation Form - Cankaya University

The Student Internship Evaluation Form at Cankaya University is used to assess the performance and progress of students during their internship program. It helps to evaluate the skills, knowledge, and competencies gained by students during their practical experience.


Q: What is the purpose of the Student Internship Evaluation Form at Cankaya University?A: The purpose of the form is to evaluate the student's internship experience.

Q: Who is required to complete the Student Internship Evaluation Form?A: Both the student and the internship supervisor are required to complete the form.

Q: What does the form evaluate?A: The form evaluates various aspects of the student's internship, such as their performance, skills, and overall experience.

Q: How does the evaluation process work?A: The student and the internship supervisor separately complete the form and provide their feedback.

Q: What should the student include in their self-evaluation?A: The student should reflect on their learning objectives, achievements, and areas for improvement during the internship.

Q: Who should the completed form be submitted to? A: The completed form should be submitted to the internship coordinator at Cankaya University.

Q: Why is the Student Internship Evaluation Form important?A: The form helps assess and improve the internship program, as well as provide valuable feedback for the student's professional development.

Q: When should the form be completed?A: The form should be completed at the end of the internship period.


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