Health Services Dietary Supplement Application - New Brunswick, Canada

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Health Services Dietary Supplement Application - New Brunswick, Canada

The Health Services Dietary Supplement Application in New Brunswick, Canada is for individuals who wish to apply for approval to sell or distribute dietary supplements in the province.

The Health Services Dietary Supplement Application in New Brunswick, Canada is typically filed by the Health Services department or an authorized representative.


Q: What is a dietary supplement?A: A dietary supplement is a product intended to supplement the diet that contains one or more dietary ingredients.

Q: Why do I need to apply for a dietary supplement?A: If you want to sell a dietary supplement in New Brunswick, you need to apply for a license from the Health Services.

Q: How do I apply for a dietary supplement license?A: You can apply for a dietary supplement license by submitting an application to the Health Services.

Q: What information do I need to include in the application?A: You need to include information about the product, such as the name, ingredients, labeling, and manufacturing practices.

Q: Are there any fees associated with the application?A: Yes, there is a fee for applying for a dietary supplement license. The fee amount may vary.

Q: How long does it take to process the application?A: The processing time for a dietary supplement license application can vary, but it typically takes several weeks or months.

Q: Can I sell my dietary supplement without a license?A: No, it is illegal to sell a dietary supplement in New Brunswick without a license from the Health Services.

Q: What happens if my application is approved?A: If your application is approved, you will receive a dietary supplement license and can legally sell your product in New Brunswick.

Q: What happens if my application is rejected?A: If your application is rejected, you will not receive a dietary supplement license and cannot sell your product in New Brunswick.

Q: Can I reapply if my application is rejected?A: Yes, you can reapply for a dietary supplement license if your previous application was rejected, but you will need to address any issues that led to the rejection.


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