Form FOR-49 Bailment Agreement - Sample - Manitoba, Canada

Form FOR-49 Bailment Agreement - Sample - Manitoba, Canada

Form FOR-49 Bailment Agreement is a legal document used in Manitoba, Canada, related to the transfer of personal property from one party to another for safekeeping or temporary use. It outlines the terms and conditions of the bailment, including the responsibilities and obligations of both the bailor (the party transferring the property) and the bailee (the party receiving the property). This agreement is typically used when lending or borrowing personal items, such as equipment, vehicles, or valuable possessions, to ensure clarity and protection for both parties involved.

In Manitoba, Canada, the Form FOR-49 Bailment Agreement is typically filed by the party initiating the bailment, which is often the owner of the goods or property being bailed. However, it is important to note that the filing requirements may vary depending on the specific circumstances or regulations. It is recommended to consult with a legal professional or the appropriate authority in Manitoba for accurate and up-to-date information regarding the filing process for this agreement.


Q: What is a bailment agreement?A: A bailment agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions under which one party (the bailor) temporarily transfers possession of their personal property to another party (the bailee), for a specific purpose and period of time.

Q: Why would someone need a bailment agreement?A: A bailment agreement provides legal protection for both the bailor and the bailee by clearly defining their rights and responsibilities in the event of damage, loss, or dispute regarding the stored property.

Q: What are some common examples of bailment agreements?A: Common examples of bailment agreements include storing personal belongings in a self-storage facility, leaving a vehicle with a valet parking service, or lending expensive equipment to a friend for temporary use.

Q: What should be included in a bailment agreement?A: A bailment agreement should typically include the names and contact information of both the bailor and the bailee, a detailed description of the property being stored, the purpose of the bailment, the duration of the agreement, any fees or compensation involved, and provisions for liability, insurance, and dispute resolution.

Q: Is a bailment agreement legally binding?A: Yes, a bailment agreement is a legally binding contract between the bailor and the bailee. It is advisable to have the agreement in writing and signed by both parties to ensure enforceability.

Q: Can a bailor place any conditions or restrictions on the bailee?A: Yes, a bailor can include conditions or restrictions in the bailment agreement, as long as they do not violate any laws or infringe upon the rights of the bailee. It is important to clearly communicate any such conditions or restrictions to avoid misunderstanding later on.

Q: What happens if the property is damaged or lost during the bailment?A: The bailment agreement should specify the liability of the bailee in case of damage or loss. It is common for the bailee to assume responsibility for ordinary or reasonable care of the property, but it can vary depending on the specific agreement.

Q: Can a bailment agreement be terminated early?A: Yes, a bailment agreement can be terminated early if both parties agree to do so. It is advisable to include provisions for early termination or cancellation in the agreement for clarity.

Q: Do I need legal assistance to create a bailment agreement?A: While it is not required to have legal assistance, it is recommended to consult with a lawyer or seek professional advice when creating a bailment agreement, especially if it involves valuable or sensitive property.


Download Form FOR-49 Bailment Agreement - Sample - Manitoba, Canada

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