Condolence Letter to a Friend Template

Condolence Letter to a Friend Template

What Is a Condolence Letter to a Friend?

When a friend has experienced a painful loss or tragic event it can be helpful to show your support by writing a Condolence Letter to a Friend . This letter will show your sympathy to your friend and you can include additional statements like offering to help them through the challenging time or provide an inspirational quote.

Alternate Names:

  • Letter of Condolence to a Friend;
  • Sympathy Condolence Letter to a Friend.

You will want to write this letter from the heart and you can make the letter as formal or informal as you would like. You can also choose to write the letter by hand or through an email, although receiving a card in the mail is more of a personal touch. The letter itself does not need to be long, but it can be helpful to write a draft before beginning the official letter so that you can clearly express your thoughts.

A Condolence Letter to a Friend template can be downloaded below.


How to Write a Condolence Letter to a Friend?

To write a Letter of Condolence to a Friend, include the following:

  1. Today's Date.

  2. Opening greeting to your friend, including their first name.

  3. Begin the letter by expressing your deepest sympathies over the painful event they experienced.

    • If it is the loss of a loved one or significant other, you can talk about how important that person was in your friend's life;
    • If the person recently lost a job or was given other negative news, express your sympathies with them over receiving this difficult information.
  4. If the person is religious or spiritual, you can offer them comforting words from their religious texts about grief and loss.

    • Avoid sharing times when you yourself experienced grief or loss as a way to sympathize. You will want to make sure you are not drawing attention away from their need for support to yourself.
  5. You can offer your support through this difficult time by stating that you are able to help with any everyday chores, help them find a new career, or simply be available to listen and talk to them through this grieving period.

    • Do not offer any statements of support that you will not be willing to fulfill. For example, if they lost a job and you offer to help them cover rent or suggest moving in with you, but then fail to live up to this promise, it will be very hurtful to your friend and damaging to the relationship.
  6. Close by again stating your support to your friend and that happier times will come again.

  7. You can also provide a phone number where they can call you at any point.

  8. Your name and signature.

Sample Condolence Letter to a Friend

December 21st, 2021

Dearest Mary,

I am so sorry to hear about the unexpected passing of Matthew. I myself was stunned to receive the news, especially after hearing of you both welcoming your little George into the world. My heart aches for what you and the family are going through.

I will always remember Matthew's kind heart towards everyone he met, and how he understood you better than anyone else ever could. He was truly a wonderful person and can never be replaced. I still recall that he was the only person that could lovingly joke about you in person that you would tolerate with a small smile and knowing look.

I know that you were not always one for religion, but I would like to say that wherever he has gone, he is watching over you and George and will live on in all our memories. You are a strong person and mother, and we are all here to lend our support.

Should you ever need it, I would be more than happy to visit and offer to care for George on a day where the world is too much and you simply need some time to sort out your day. Don't forget, we are here as your friends and there is never anything we wouldn't do to help you through this time.

And while today must feel like a mountain of agony and pain, I know that Matthew would want you to find happiness again one day. It may not come for many days, but one-day things will start to feel less painful and lonely.

We are wishing you nothing but love and support, we are here for you.

With Deepest Sympathies,

Sybil and Tom Branson

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  • Sample Condolence Letter illustrating empathy and support for a friend experiencing loss.