Training Sign in Sheet Template

Training Sign in Sheet Template

What Is a Training Sign In Sheet?

A Training Sign In Sheet is used to create a list of people that attended a training session or meeting. This is important as it can act as proof that a particular individual attended the meeting and has been briefed, trained, and is aware of all new changes and information.

In turn, this means that the individual knows their specific duties and responsibilities and this will prevent an employee from passing on responsibility by denying any knowledge of important information. If this occurs, the employer can simply refer to the Training Sign In Sheet and prove that the employee was present and as a result, does know the correct course of action.

Without this sheet, if a court case ensues concerning an injury or any other issue that could relate to a lack of training or information, the business may be legally obliged to pay out a large financial compensation package.

A Training Sign In Sheet template can be downloaded by clicking the link below.


How to Make a Sign In Sheet for Training?

Before you begin making your Sign In Sheet for Training, we would strongly recommend browsing through Training Sign In Sheet templates to find a template that you feel would best suit your business. It must reflect the nature and professionalism of your business.

Once you have found a suitable template, include the following structure and information in the document:

  • At the very top of the document, you should write a short description (one to two sentences long) regarding the topic surrounding the training session;
  • Following this, you ought to write a short paragraph summarizing the aim of the meeting and what you hope to achieve;
  • Note down the date, time, and location of the meeting to make it easier to refer to in the future. It may also be worth noting down an approximate time that the meeting will go on;
  • Upon arrival to the meeting, the person chairing the meeting needs to ensure that all present individuals sign the document. The document should be in an easily accessible and clear place that is visible to everyone;
  • The individuals in attendance need to provide their full name, role within the organization and then state their initials or sign the sheet;
  • At the end of the document, the person chairing the meeting should print their name and sign the document.

After the meeting has finished, it may be wise to once again pass around the sheet to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to sign it.

Still looking for a particular template? Take a look at the related templates below:

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