No-Show Fee Request Checklist - Washington

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No-Show Fee Request Checklist - Washington

No-Show Fee Request Checklist is a legal document that was released by the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries - a government authority operating within Washington.


Q: What is a no-show fee?
A: A no-show fee is a charge imposed when a person fails to show up for a scheduled appointment or reservation.

Q: Can businesses in Washington state charge a no-show fee?
A: Yes, businesses in Washington state are allowed to charge a no-show fee as long as certain conditions are met.

Q: What are the conditions for charging a no-show fee in Washington state?
A: To charge a no-show fee in Washington state, a business must have a written policy that is clearly communicated to the customer, and the fee must be a reasonable estimate of the actual damages incurred by the business.

Q: Is there a maximum amount for a no-show fee in Washington state?
A: No, there is no specific maximum amount for a no-show fee in Washington state. However, the fee must be a reasonable estimate of the actual damages incurred by the business.

Q: Can businesses charge a no-show fee without a written policy?
A: No, businesses in Washington state must have a written policy that is clearly communicated to the customer in order to charge a no-show fee.

Q: What should a written no-show fee policy include?
A: A written no-show fee policy should include the amount of the fee, the circumstances under which the fee will be charged, and any other relevant terms and conditions.

Q: Can businesses charge a no-show fee without notifying the customer?
A: No, businesses in Washington state must clearly communicate their no-show fee policy to the customer in order to charge the fee.

Q: Can businesses automatically charge a no-show fee without providing any services?
A: No, businesses in Washington state can only charge a no-show fee if they have actually provided services or incurred costs as a result of the customer's failure to show up.

Q: Can businesses charge a no-show fee if the customer cancels in advance?
A: No, businesses in Washington state can only charge a no-show fee if the customer fails to show up for a scheduled appointment or reservation without cancelling in advance.

Q: What can a customer do if they believe a no-show fee is unfair?
A: If a customer believes a no-show fee is unfair, they can try to resolve the issue directly with the business. If that doesn't work, they may consider filing a complaint with the Washington State Attorney General's Office or seeking legal advice.


Form Details:

  • Released on March 1, 2019;
  • The latest edition currently provided by the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries;
  • Ready to use and print;
  • Easy to customize;
  • Compatible with most PDF-viewing applications;
  • Fill out the form in our online filing application.

Download a fillable version of the form by clicking the link below or browse more documents and templates provided by the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries.

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